1. Lost Money
2. Lost reputation
3. Lost time
4. Lost selfesteem
There's lots of places to find information on MLM scams, here's some of my favorites:
This message was directed to Arbonne, but you can be sure the DSA sent this message out to all of their members: DSA Zoom Warning It's a good thing that we know, that they know, that we know...about MLM sca... read more
Amway was extremely "low key" regarding their 2020 revenue, not the usual local media frenzy, interviews with the executives, etc., but in a tweet: read more
This correspondence pretty much explains itself, and I received a "not interested" response from Ken: Ken Neevel Redacted It should be noted that DeVos literally bought favorable treatment during his d... read more
A virtual event was held October 15, 2020 in which one of the five FTC Commissioners addressed the DSA: Link: Keynote Remarks of Commissioner Phillips at the DSA Legal & Regulatory... read more
The DSA (Direct Selling Association, aka Don't Sell Anything) has a new "training" program designed to teach and certify MLM scams how to do MLM the "right" way. It is a four-session course, each session lasting three hours for a total of 12 hours of instruction: Link: read more
Two recent NXIVM MLM scam docuseries were recently made, although much more information is available for your reading pleasure here: www.FrankReport.com. The first series, called The Vow, has nine episodes, was produced by HBO, and can viewed for free here... read more
Amway is the typical white guy trying to act Black, as if they had rhythm, but don't. Notice how the Black is capitalized but not the white? Those are the new "rules": read more
Here's an article from what many consider a respected source, but the authors obviously have no idea what they're talking about when it comes to MLM scams, so I'll deconstruct the content, line by line. Here's the link to the story: read more
The number over 3 million has been used for several years, just do a google search for yourself, here's some examples: