1. Lost Money
2. Lost reputation
3. Lost time
4. Lost selfesteem
Below is tina.org's best post. Ever (even though it doesn't touch the largest problem for the MLM scams that have one, the tool scam). While the income claim issue clearly falls under the FTC Section 5 federal law prohibiting https://beachyspharm... read more
UPDATE #3: If it wasn't already obvious, the DSA (Don't Sell Anything) lobby group supports this legislation, and probably wrote it: read more
In reponse to the FTC's response to the DSA (Link: https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/public_statements/1068663/response_to_dsa_letter_ramirez.pdf, Document: read more
As pointed out elsewhere on this website, MLM products are usually overpriced, and a favorite method of overcoming this is to simply claim the products cure all kinds of diseases, including the "big boys" Amway and Herbalife, as shown here: read more
As if we didn't already suspect widespread DSA nonenforcement of MLM health claims and the DSA's "self regulation" was total BS, here's the proof. Of course, the list includes the two largest MLM scams on the planet, Amway and Herbalife: https://www.truthinadvertising.org/dsa-ignoring-illegal-hea... read more
A new bill is being circulated that, passed as is, would legalize illegal pyramids. It is H.R. 5230: https://www.congress.gov/114/bills/hr5230/BILLS-114hr5230ih.pdf The DSA is behind it, and probably wrote it: read more
Following Avon and Tupperware in recent years, now LegalShield has now quit the DSA, and instead of leaving thinly cloaked messages like by the other two MLMs, Legal Shield put it on the line: https://... read more