1. Lost Money
2. Lost reputation
3. Lost time
4. Lost selfesteem
Below is tina.org's best post. Ever (even though it doesn't touch the largest problem for the MLM scams that have one, the tool scam). While the income claim issue clearly falls under the FTC Section 5 federal law prohibiting https://beachyspharm... read more
In reponse to the FTC's response to the DSA (Link: https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/public_statements/1068663/response_to_dsa_letter_ramirez.pdf, Document: read more
The Vemma Final Order came out: https://www.truthinadvertising.org/vemma-pay-millions-settlement-ftc/ I like the work that TINA (Truth In Advertising) does, but this headline was very misleading, not very smart for... read more
If you asked someone what colors are the American flag and they answered red and blue, white and blue, or red and white, it's obvious they left out a color. An analogy to this is someone states whether MLM profit is made from recruiting others or sales, there is a third issue - internal consumption,... read more
Here a great Vemma summary and update, it looks like another MLM scam is about to bite the dust, which is a very good thing. The document referred to in the below article regarding the Hanover Insurance Consent Order: read more
Vemma is stopping production of more products, as Vemma Renew, Verve Bold & Verve Remix are in a closeout "sale," according to an email I received. Here's the website link: https://vemma.myv... read more