1. Lost Money
2. Lost reputation
3. Lost time
4. Lost selfesteem
This story could be about virtually any MLM, but it's about Le-Vel and an earlier unknown MLM. Le-Vel is also known as Thrive, one of their product lines. I noticed this first as a national story of a pregnant wife with 2 daughters, and another one the way: read more
Below is tina.org's best post. Ever (even though it doesn't touch the largest problem for the MLM scams that have one, the tool scam). While the income claim issue clearly falls under the FTC Section 5 federal law prohibiting https://beachyspharm... read more
A fellow anti-MLM scam blogger got sued by Le-vel, lost the case, appealed, and won: https://static.lazymanandmoney.com/images/2017/03/27114334/160672.op_.pdf (read more