
all MLM busters

  • MLM
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    • 2. Lost reputation

    • 3. Lost time

    • 4. Lost selfesteem

Category: News

    • 10 12
    • Herbalife REALLY Steps Into It, And We’re NOT Talking A Spilled Shake

      Herbalife, the next to largest MLM scam on the planet, second only to Amway, has REALLY stepped in it, again. Bill Ackman, the FTC, and the new "Betting On Zero" movie all agree Herbalife is a scam. When a Washington, D.C. film festival showed the movie, an Herbalife lobbyist, bought half the ticket... read more

    • 10 05
    • Hilarious MLM Related Short Movie

      A hilarious short movie about MLMs. They only wish most people would join like this: read more

    • 10 02
    • TelexFree Lawsuit Documents

      Barring a last-minute settlement, the TelexFree illegal pyramid/ponzi trial will start October 24, 2016 and is expected to last at least a month. Here's some background documents:

      1. Prosecution witness list: read more

    • 09 05
    • Herbalife And Spiderwebs, What a Wicked Web They Weave….

      The activities in two very large states, and probably the two most influential states when it comes to Herbalife, are a tangled mess:

      1. This one is out of California, where Herbalife is based: read more

    • 08 27
    • Herbalife Update

      This week in the "life and death of Herbalife" was like a carnival ride, up and down, swinging wildly, around and around. Starting with a bit of sanity, here's Pershing Square's view on recent events, pay particular attention to the chart at the end: read more

    • 08 20
    • Another Sign Amway Is Crumbling

      In the only country I know of where Amway stock is publicly traded, probably because it is required in order for Amway to do business there, we get a peak that the worldwide 8.5% decrease two years ago and an additional 12.5% decrease last year as was no fluke, we now have Malaysia net profit decre... read more

    • 08 20
    • Vemma Summary And Update

      Here a great Vemma summary and update, it looks like another MLM scam is about to bite the dust, which is a very good thing. The document referred to in the below article regarding the Hanover Insurance Consent Order: read more

    • 07 29
    • Herbalife Slammed By The FTC

      While I would have preferred a shutdown/lawsuit ala Vemma, the FTC did take strong action against Herbalife, the second largest MLM scam I'm aware of, second only to Amway. Here's a light reading reading list, starting with higher-level overview type documents, and drilling down into more detailed ... read more