
all MLM busters

  • MLM
    • 1. Lost Money

    • 2. Lost reputation

    • 3. Lost time

    • 4. Lost selfesteem

Category: News

    • 02 03
    • Glossary Of Terms And Abbreviations

      If I have used any other terms in this blog you would like defined, just make a request in the comments
      ATS - Amway Tool Scam, the symbiotic RICO scamming relationship between Amway and the LCKs. When the LCKs asked for more of the Amway profit, ... read more

    • 02 03
    • Call To Action – What Else Can We Do?

      I very much dislike whiners who don't offer solutions. If you're going to complain, offer a solution as I did above. Here's what else we can do: 1. Do a google and yahoo news search for various types of stories stories, as long as they meet the commitments made in the agreement referred ... read more

    • 02 03
    • Why Amway Or The LCKs Didn’t Have A Prayer Suing Me

      Since Amway has now LOST their lawsuit against me, why do I say Amway didn't have a prayer? Besides Amway being bound to the agreement, the agreement also prevents Amway from suing me again unless I violate the agreement, which is otherwise allowed under civil law even if I had won the original laws... read more

    • 02 03
    • Find Out If Your Upline Was Scamming/Will Scam YOU!

      IBOs often say, "But my upline isn't like that, they even SHOWED me how much tool profit they make! In a word, COWDUNG! There will always be exceptions, but here's how you tell whether your upline was scamming/will scam you or not. It's very simple, in breaks down into P&P. P&P stands f... read more

    • 02 03
    • Frequently Asked Questions

      Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions section, just email any question you want answered below, and if it is considered an FAQ type question, I'll address it. ----------------------------------------------------------... read more

    • 02 02
    • What Is The Basis For The 99+% Level Of IBOs Losing Money?

      WHAT IS THE BASIS FOR THE 99+% LEVEL OF IBOS LOSING MONEY? Besides my personal experience and the personal experience of literally hundreds of other bloggers since 2005, the following government investigations back up this statement: 1. The Wisconsin Attorney General's office:... read more

    • 02 02
    • What Is The Basis Of The Real Amway Tool Scam Size?

      Amway tries to wiggle out of the issue, but the legalese in their documentation: read more

    • 02 02
    • Vision/Mission/Problem/Solution

      Bring Honesty, Openness, and Transparency (HOT) to the RICO fraudulent Amway Tool Scam business, to ensure it is transformed into an ethical, moral, and legal business. So, let's turn up the heat!
      MISSION... read more