
all MLM busters

  • MLM
    • 1. Lost Money

    • 2. Lost reputation

    • 3. Lost time

    • 4. Lost selfesteem

Category: News

    • 07 02
    • Another Amway IBO Slammed By IRS – Should Be MLM Industry-Wide

      Another in a series of Amway IBOs found not to be trying to make a profit, see the story and especially check the box to read the comments section, here: http://www.... read more

    • 07 02
    • Hey Amway, Happy 10 Year Anniversary

      Just a few days ago, it was 10 years since I provided my comments to the FTC regarding the Business Opportunity Rule revision comment process. Here's the comments: 2006 Business Opportuni... read more

    • 07 02
    • Vemma Close To Death Gurgle

      Vemma is stopping production of more products, as Vemma Renew, Verve Bold & Verve Remix are in a closeout "sale," according to an email I received. Here's the website link: https://vemma.myv... read more

    • 07 01
    • Amway Is Going CRAZY!!!

      A series of recent Amway stories indicates Amway is coming unhinged:

      1. This youtube video, posted July 1, 2016, which was AFTER the Russian track team was banned from the upcoming Olympics, starts off with snippets of track and field competitors: read more

    • 06 13
    • MLM Historical Summary

      Here's a nice summary I found online from Bill Keep, who I probably have more alignment than almost anyone else, except for the fact he doesn't emphasize the ATS enough: read more

    • 05 07
    • Herbalife Slammed by FTC, Stock Goes Higher

      Herbalife announced generally higher product volume numbers during their quarterly report on May 5, 2016, but also reported they are in deep doo-doo with the FTC and probably other agencies, federal and state. The stock went up about 9% based on the numbers, but whoever was trading the stock ignored... read more

    • 05 01
    • Amway’s Row Over Roe

      Amway, technically the manufacturing company, called Access Business Group, is suing a couple of companies using an ingredient in Amway's overseas skin care line: The ingredient comes from fish r... read more

    • 04 28
    • Ackman Ties Valeant Senate Committee Testimony To Herbalife

      Bill Ackman testified in front of the Senate Special Committee on Aging yesterday, to answer questions about Valeant. His written and verbal testimony tied Valeant to Herbalife, here's the written statement: http://www.aging.... read more