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Search Results for: 5230

DSA Trying To Push MLM Towards European/HR5230 Model

Update: Here’s the FTC Chairperson’s DSA speech, it isn’t looking good for H.R. 5230, or any MLM scam like Amway and Herbalife, either. Too bad the FTC still doesn’t “get” the tool scam: I would love to be a fly on this wall, especially the sidebar discussions: The DSA (Direct Selling Association) in the USA […]

H.R. 5230 and The Fallacy of MLM

A new bill is being circulated that, passed as is, would legalize illegal pyramids. It is H.R. 5230: The DSA is behind it, and probably wrote it: Here’s a related video Amway released: and notice how they discuss lots of issues, but do NOT address the root cause of an illegal pyramid […]

MLM Scam Misunderstandings

Here’s an article from what many consider a respected source, but the authors obviously have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to MLM scams, so I’ll deconstruct the content, line by line. Here’s the link to the story: What Is A Pyramid Scheme?: Distinguishing The Term From Legitimate Multi-level Marketing Practices – […]

Slimy Politicians Try To “Slip A Mickey” In Making Illegal Pyramids Legal

UPDATE #3: If it wasn’t already obvious, the DSA (Don’t Sell Anything) lobby group supports this legislation, and probably wrote it: UPDATE TO UPDATE: Now another MLM CEO has put in his two cents: However, note how Frank hammers on inventory, and not retail sales. In fact, inventory is not an issue, as the bill allows […]

Trump Is Going To Unleash MLM Scams On The World!!!

Below is an email I sent to a very wealthy investor I have been in contact with for several years who will go nameless. I intended to write this critique of a recent article written by Michelle Celarier: and he requested I point out her errors, so this is the result: Keep in mind, I […]

Open Letter To The FTC

In reponse to the FTC’s response to the DSA (Link:, Document: 2017 response_to_dsa_letter_ramirez) the following email was sent:   To: Feb 19 at 10:44 PM Ms. Greisman, In regards to former FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez’ recent response letter to the DSA (, I offer the following information and insights: 1. The point in the first […]

This Looks Like A Game Changing Court Decision

The Stream/Ignite case has been in the courts since 2009. For background information, see The recent decision essentially shifts the burden of proof for a class action lawsuit to the defendant, absent any evidence from the defendant contrary to what the plaintiff is claiming: There were some judges who disagreed with the majority, but their arguments […]