I was asked about ACN recently, and had this website screen capture for over a year: acn-pyramid-scheme The reason I don’t direct you to the website is because the website owner was threatened with a lawsuit from ACN, here’s his twitter feed: https://twitter.com/acnpyramid (or aps-acnpyramid-_-twitter). Here’s another story about ACN: http://rikkle.co.uk/blog/2015/08/impressions-acn-scam-multi-level-marketing/ There’s little doubt ACN is a scam.
Update: ACN doesn’t want an open https://transparentpharmacy.net discussion on whether they are an illegal pyramid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rntxwxhW-Ek&feature=youtu.be Note the difference between what is visible, depending on whether I’m signed in, and tell me which version you see by emailing me at stoptheamwaytoolscam@yahoo.com: Is ACN a Pyramid Scheme_ – YouTube Not Signed In vs. Is ACN a Pyramid Scheme_ – YouTube Signed In and note how all of my posts are not visible when I’m not signed in.
First of all, I wanted to thank you for the contributed stories. I find them pretty useful. Furthermore, I would be happy to read the continuation of the following blog post. Is it possible?
You’re welcome. Can you explain what you mean by your last comment? Thanks.